Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My house, continued...

This is the kitchen. It's not my photo taking abilities; it's just rather small. If you look closely, you can see a hotplate on the counter on the right edge of the photo. Mayra doesn't have a stove. She cooks everything with the hotplate or steamer. Impressive.

Our dining room. This is where we eat all the time. Unlike in the US, families still gather to eat together; it's extremely important to Latinos to eat together as a family - something we've let slip away. The room is quaint. Sparse. But that makes sense because Mayra is rather nun-like. She actually wears a habit. She's a devout Catholic (good Latina). Her father died 2 years ago from throat cancer. When he was sick, she made a promise to God that if he would get better, she'd do all these things. Even though he died, she keeps up her end of the bargain. I guess you'd call her a lay minister because she goes to invalid's homes and takes them Communion and prays with them, etc. It's pretty cool.

This is the living room. The baby carriage is here because Mayra was watching her grandson Santiago today. He is 5 months old and we got to hold him.

La sala otra vez / the living room again. Unlike in the US, we don't really spend any time in here. Except for today: el mundial/ the world cup game was on!!

Aubry, Santiago, and Mayra (she was talking...)

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