Sunday, August 1, 2010

Butterfly Farm

That's right, boys and girls, I finally made it to the Butterfly Farm aka Spirogyra Butterfly Garden yesterday. But first, I went to church with my host mom. Woot, it was a day full of accomplishing long-awaited activities. I really enjoyed myself, even tho I was basically alone...

Two-fer. I'm glad that butterflies learn how to share, even tho they don't have a mommy to raise them (Butterflies abandon their eggs because the typical lifespan of a butterfly is 4 months - but that doesn't include the pupa and larva stages, which can also take several months. Yea, that's right - I watched the cheesy educational video. [I'm down; I got the 4-11] I know more about butterflies than necessary. But dang it, I was gonna be sure I did EVERYTHING possible and got my money's worth!)
Anyway, I really like that photo.

Don't worry, I took time to smell the flowers (tho there were no roses. Guess butterflies don't like roses as much as girls do...). And even tho I was there alone, I implemented the myspace technique (that I often mock) so I could actually have some pics of me in them! Novel idea, right? Anyway, I liked these little orange flowers, and so did the orange butterflies (what do you call them again? Monarchs?). :)

This little guy was chillin on my arm for a minute or two, so I of course had to take a photo! I have never been so excited to be a resting post before. I felt so "one with nature." Lol

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