Monday, August 2, 2010

La Negrita

This is an replica of La Negrita who resides below the Church so people can visit her and see what she looked like originally. There's mural on the wall (and a written explanation) that depicts the story of how she was found. If I'm not mistaken, this replica is either the exact size or even a bit bigger than the "real" stone, so you can see how small she is.

Also on the large stone, to the right, is a rosary. Many people throw things in as offerings to La Negrita, and when they visit, they speak to her as tho they expect her to respond. I'm not sure if you can see it, but to the left of La Negrita is a little plastic bag. Inside the bag is a charm of sorts. Stapled onto the bag is a paper with words - can be a name, a prayer, etc. I said before that people pray to the Virgin for miracles. When they come true, people return with a charm that represents that prayer being fulfilled. They actually have several glass cases lining the walls that are filled with charms of furniture, body parts (heads, arms, legs, whole people), houses, everything. There are also tons of medals, as it is common for athletes to come ask the Virgin for help winning a game. It's very interesting to see.

These people have tremendous faith - fe. I think I've heard that word more times in my 5 weeks here than I have in my entire life at home.

This is inside the Basilica. There was a line to enter on feet, and another for on your knees. These people chose to enter on their knees out of humility and as a sign of respect. I should clarify that they walk up the stairs, and then once they enter the Church, they proceed on their knees. Still, it's something I couldn't do. Mayra did, tho. Not yesterday, as she was too worn out from the walk. She wasn't feeling well, so she left me in line to enter the Church and she went to eat. She felt guilty for not visiting the Virgin, so this morning, she got up at 4:30, put on her habit one last time (even tho she could wear normal clothes today), and caught a bus to pray to La Negrita in person. I'm telling you, this woman is DEVOTED!

If you look toward the front of the picture, almost directly above the people wearing orange and yellow, you can see La Negrita in her golden shrine thing.

La Negrita is on the table between the men with white hats. See the giant gold thing? Now, see the little black speck IN the gold halo-like thing? That speck is La Negrita in her original form. 375 years old. She doesn't look too bad, now does she?
(I know it's inappropriate, but it makes me think of Judy from Santa Claus)

This is the outside of La Basilica. Isn't it beautiful??? I LOVE the angels and detail, tho it's more modern looking than I expected. This Church isn't all that old, tho, as earthquakes and other natural disasters have destroyed the various homes of La Negrita.

La Basilica, over the sea of people. The umbrellas are for sun/heat, not rain. Tho it rained a lot today, so Mayra said it looked the same today. I still can't believe she went back so early. She was in so much pain from yesterday, but she just had to go, and she had to do it on her knees. How moving!
I think I could really learn a lot from this woman... Thank you, God, for this opportunity and all of these experiences!

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