Sunday, August 1, 2010

Science Museum

Well, I don't think I shared this adventure with you yet. On Wednesday, we decided to go to the Scienc Museum, as several girls in my group are here to study science. However, being that classes are wrapping up, several girls declined because of schoolwork. So, Ale - my trusty adventurer - Camacho, and myself set off to find this wonderful world of science.

The cab driver didn't exactly know where it was, even tho we gave him directions, so it took us forever. We were so excited to arrive at a museum-looking building. It was only when Camacho asked, "Guys, should we be worried that there aren't cars here?" To which, Ale replied, "It's probably not even the right place." And I added, "Yea, watch it not be open." Lucky us - all 3 of us were right! Haha. Mr. Cabbie took us to the ART Museum, which is currently closed for renovations. Guess he got part of it right....

The art museum was on the corner of "La Sabanah" (the Savannah), which is a GIANT park in the middle of San Jose (neat idea, I think). We knew the SCIENCE museum was also on a corner of the park, so we decided to walk thru the park and look for it. Ale declared, "Well, Katie, at least you can cross 2 things off your list!" I'll be honest, I was happy about our "misfortune." Somehow, I'm the brave one down here - I find people to ask for directions, get us across the streets, etc. It's very odd to be the leader of these little ducklings...
In La Sabanah, we found some gorgeous trees and plants, many photo opps (inc. a lake and a giant Cirlce of Life tree), a pick up soccer game to watch, and after asking several policemen for directions, we FINALLY made our way to the real SCIENCE musuem. Good eye, Camacho, for spotting it!

However, upon arrival, we were still a bit nervous. I mean, look at this sign - shady, right? It turned out to be the most ghetto museum I've ever seen. Camacho was like, "Guys, I don't know about this. Jess isn't feeling this..." (She refers to herself in the 3rd person on occassion when she's nervous). But I somehow convinced her to go in - it's all part of the experience. And trust me, it was an experience.

Not really sure this needs a caption...
We didn't know what kind of science museum it was...I'm actually still not sure I know....Because they had EVERYTHING. Fossils, rocks, dinosaurs, animals, bugs, birds, pot shards & ceramics, etc. I think the only thing they didn't have would be plants/trees. It was an odd little conglamoration. There didn't seem to be much um, division/organization. For instance, they had the penguins in with tropical birds. Now, I'm no expert, but I'm fairly certain that doesn't work...

Speaking of ghetto...You had to get toilet paper from this despenser on the wall, as the individual stalls did not have it. Which is very odd for us Americans. But it's actually fairly common in Latin America. In Ecuador, I was lucky to have toilet paper at all in the puplic restrooms. The other girls think I'm crazy because I always carry everything with me (Freddy - our only guy - calls me "Safari Kate" because I'm 'always ready for everything and there's nothing I don't have'), but it's saved me a few times. And trust me, they appreciate that I have toilet paper when we travel...
To be honest, this is actually one of the better bathrooms down here. It was clean and somewhat lit. I used one today....let's just say that the Girl Scouts Troop Beverly Hills would not have come near (think Diane from Cheers - it's a movie with her)...

Oh, the bug room. Tons and tons of beautiful moths and butterflies. Nasty ucky creepy giantic spiders. And cucarachas!!! Also known as cochroaches. Not that we need to visit a museum to see them..... But we appreciated that these were behind glass after seeing the size of these monstors.

And the animals... Ah, the animals... Let's just say that Doug has better stuffed animals in his house than this poor little museum. Literally. I didn't take pictures because they were so creepy. I'm talking - faces falling off, eyes missing, contorted bodies, lumpy/disfigured bodies.... Not so good. And not to wish ill upon anyone, but I sure hope that taxadermist has moved on to greener pastures, or else this museum should go give him...trouble... In all fairness, tho, I suppose we could blame it on time, as most of the things were dated 1971, 1976, 1983. The newest thing I saw was dated 1989. That's as old as I am. Um, not so good as far as museums go.
The displays were...interesting. Someone had painted a generic mural in each display case, so it didn't really fit any of the cases, but at the same time, they thought they could make it fit everything. And they played this really hokey music of generic animals - along the same train of thought.

Not that I'm making fun of the museum. It was interesting, and they clearly put work/time into it. I'm sure it's difficult to do in a poorer country and whatnot. It just certainly was no Smithsonian. I would recommend a visit more for the experience than for the quality of what you will see. But make sure you go in a group and bring a flashlight. I certainly wouldn't want Night at the Museum to come true here!!!

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