Friday, July 30, 2010


Do you feel welcome yet?

How about now? These are my little girls. Greichel (I'm assuming her mother heard "Rachel" somewhere and this is how it turned out. This actually happens a lot. There's a man in San Jose named "Usnavy" aka US Navy), Quecha (the one who was glad I remembered her), and I don't know the 3rd girl's name.

Quecha and Katie. How cute :) She's such a little sweetheart!

Ale and Jess were having fun with the kids. Trying to read to them. But this guy - Axel - was not having it! He found a mini cannon and chaos ensued...

Mikey and Emily. Mikey LOVES soccer. If you ask him about futbol, he starts to do this little happy feet dance showing you how he plays. It's adorable. But it was so sad when we couldn't find a ball for him on Monday.

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