Sunday, July 4, 2010


Well, yesterday was a long day of traveling filled with lots of nerves. I've never traveled alone before, but I made it in 1 piece, so I consider it successful. Thankfully, I found some nice families to hang out with in the airport and on the plane. On my 1st flight (Buffalo to Chicago), the plane went very slowly over the falls. It was quite beautiful. I have visited many times, but I've never seen them like that before. I sat next to an affectionate Asian couple from Chicago to Miami, so I finally got a little nap. On my way from Miami to Costa Rica, I sat by a young mom and her daughter who are ticas (Costa Ricans). We spoke in Spanglish, and she was very, very nice. I made it through immigration, baggage claim, $ exchange, and customs without a hitch. Gracias dios! I found the people who were picking me up very easily and was surprised to see a bunch of other students there (the rest of the kids from my program arrive today). They are from all different programs or on their own, so we were all called "independents." [Seemed appropriate to me considering the date ;)]
We rode quite a ways to Veritas University, where our host families were waiting to pick us up. It was then that I found out another student will be living with me. She isn't here, yet tho. She's a vegetarian. Costa Ricans eat chicken, rice, and beans every day. Hmmm... (yes, Bekah, I'm going to become very familiar with gallopinto...) So I guess that would explain why my host mom, Mayra, was excited when I said I'd like to try the local food. In typical Latina fashion, she is already in the habit of overfeeding me!
Mayra was so sweet last night. I wanted to help her put away the dishes from the snack she gave me, but she knew I was tired, so she said, "Goodbye." Haha. Thankfully, she speaks a little English. I was so exhausted that I slept pretty well, despite the humidity. But, man, does that make it seem hot here!
The house is nice, tho. I have my own room, and I'll share a bathroom with the other student. I'm actually basically unpacked. Doesn't take too long to unload 1 suitcase... Since we already have a weekend trip this coming weekend, I actually left a few things packed. Seemed logical...
The independents had a quick orientation of Veritas campus today (tho almost everything is shut down because it's Sunday). It's a cute little campus with lots of outdoor patios. Tomorrow begins the 1st of many long days in my program. Oreintation, placement tests, filling out forms, all the logistical stuff.

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