Friday, July 23, 2010

Pics from Tues & Wed

In Los Juncos Cloud Forest, helping to reforest this secondary forest. How exciting!

Me under a "poor man's umbrella" (sombrilla pobre) plant. That is their name in Spanish! Love it. And yes, they are actually that big.

Emily planting Leila right next to Ernesto

Taking care of my little Ernesto. He's going to grow tall and strong and straight and be bilingual and make his momma proud.

Here's my little fellow before I put him in the earth to grow. I spoke in English and Spanish to him so he'll be big and strong (moms talk to their babies in the womb so they'll grow well, and he's my baby, so...)

This is the crazy hippie lady at the raggae night. She supposedly has a facebook page (which I have yet to search for/ find) titled, "la doƱita que baile en los conciertos"/the woman who dances at the concerts. Absolutely crazy...
Good week, tho!

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