Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tues 7/20 + Wed 7/21

so i know this is a bit scattered and sloppy, but i hope you enjoy. i'll add pics and hopefully some coherence soon

tuesday was good. ummm we went to class, hung out, and went to a raggae club in the evening. actually, it's a "jazz club" that features a different band every night and that night happened to be raggae. the other girl and i wore our "wear a million" ways dresses that we bought here. they're some indian (dots, not feathers) design, made out of silk.
there was this crazy hippie woman there at the club....gosh i'll tell you more abt that later. but i'm so exhausted or something. i'm out of it. i can't think clearly. we had to get up super early today to go to the forest to plant trees. which was AMAZING. they laughed at me cuz i named them, tho. mine was ernesto. he's gonna grow tall and straight in the cow path. must nap,now tho... there will be photos.

BUT anyway.... abt the forest. i LOVED IT SO FREAKING MUCH!!! i want to spend every day in costa rica either there or at the beach!!!!

it was a horrendous drive, tho. i started to get sick there and back - for the first time really in cr. and then we hiked all over, which was fun. i took tons of photos.

i'd love to research the rainforest!!! can u imagine? it would be AMAZING!

we were in a secondary cloud forest, which means it's all been replanted. the area we were in is all abt dairy cows, so they clear cut EVERYTHING and had it all as pasture and these 2 guys created this organization to teach them why that's BAD and they reforest by planting, caring, guarding, tagging, etc (sry, i keep thinking of the spanish words and then i'm not sure how to say it in eng. lol) but you'd never know it had been clear cut cuz there's stuff growing EVERYWHERE, EXCEPT where we planted our trees (duh). it's what's left of the cow path.

they tag & number the trees, and they thought it was absolutely hilarious that i had already come up w/ a better system: name them. mine was an aguacadilla tree and his name was ernesto. emily's was leila. there were also dama trees. 2 of our other classmates - i named their's too - were zoe and marco gustavo. the guide like marco gustavo best cuz he had 2 names and ernesto cuz i was the one to name them all. he thought i was so funny. and i must admit i was in a rather hyper little kid mood today (you know how i get when i'm excited abt new things).

idk y, but i just KNEW he was an ernesto! immediately! he was my baby. i told him so. and i talked to him so he'd grow big and tall and strong. and i want to go back and visit him in a few years and see how he's doing. the guy said that if we send him our pics w/ the names, he'll make plaques and post them :D can you believe it!? i'm so excited. the world will know about my little baby ernesto. and he and leila are taking care of each other but i a friend way; they're not ready for romance yet!

According to Rebekah Swineford: treeplanting is so your thing. you should live in central/south america and replant the whole thing! :) naming trees all the way down to cape horn

actually, when we get back, we have to do a local project that has global connections - like a legit reason in cr for me to do it in usa. and i didnt have a clue until today. like, i had ideas, but they were all a bit stretching it jsut so i could do something. but today i decided, i want to plant trees in the btown area. like maybe in the state park? idk. but for sure. i mean, isn't it a great idea?

and the other day,w e saw these shirts that said, "plant a tree. costa rica" which i thougth was cool but not really relevant or necessary. but now, i totally wish i had bought one!!! if i can find them somewhere in san jose, o baby look out!

and idk what else. i'm jsut still so excited even thinking abt it! today was such a good day

and then after planting the trees (i was sad that i only got to plant 1 tho :( ), we were supposed to go to a butterfly farm, but we were late getting back cuz the bus driver forgot to come get us this morning and we were an hr late leaving, so our grp left w/o us :/ so emily and i decided to go to the jade museum. which turned out to be very similar to the gold museum we went to yesterday in class, but it was still very interesting. we grabbed an awesome lunch at the cutest cafe ever (i'm totally going back. it was cheap and the food was FABULOUS!). then i napped while she went to class. my nap was so awesome, btw. I ACTUALLY SLEPT! mark this day down! then, we worked on our project. and that was our day. it was quite lovely :)

o, and the girls from our grp got rained out at the butterfly farm today, so they got rainchecks (they won't have to pay again) and we're all going back on friday. que perfecto, si?!

oooh, at the cafe today, i bought an horeja to go. its like an elephant ear/beaver's tail. amazzzing. if you hold out your arms and make a circle - that's how big it is. and it's thin and crispy and fabulous. o, and it cost 600 colones. (roughly 500 colones = $1) need i say more?? it's like carnival food only CHEAP! they have them in every bakery here.

haha, my prof has the best saying ever: el problema es siempre masculino y la soluciĆ³n es siempre feminina ;) [the problem is always masculine and the solution is always feminine. which is relevant because we sometimes get our m/f confused on words like this that are tricky] something to that effect. and i love it because i think it's true on many levels

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