Wednesday, July 28, 2010


On Mondays, we volunteer at a day care thath is run by a/the Church (big surprise, there, right??). We found out about it because there was a sign to volunteer here at the U, but it was for "save the planet/hug trees" kind of stuff. They decided that they weren't going to have one fo those programs this summer, but instead, Luis - who does everything, literally; he's the tour guide/planner/director/go to man if you have questions. Anyway, Luis also started an outreach program through his church with 4 other men who work at Veritas. They recruit and send volunteers to like 10 different places to help out w/ various things. For example, there's a men's shelter, a youth/teenager's shelter, the daycare, a place for women, a drug rehab place, etc... So a group of us AIFS girls decided to sign up.

Anyway, we go on Mondays to volunteer. The first visit was a bit tough to swallow for me. It was somewhat ovewhelming. I mean, things could have been so much worse...but they were def not up to "American standards" of hygiene and cleanliness. I'm not sure if you want details or not...

But the 2nd trip was much better. I really enjoyed myself. Which is unusual because I was with children. We took pictures, colored, played games. And then I met up with one of the girls I had been w/ the 1st day - that was the best part. She was so excited that I remembered her name and she came over and hugged me and laid her head on me. It was so sweet. Pictures to follow. Now, back to clase! :/

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