Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Teatro Nacional

So I've been doing a lot more with my time in CR this past week - going to cool places and just being busy taking it all in - which also means that I haven't had time to write about it. This is a twofold bummer because I don't want to forget it before I get it all written down (I'd prefer to not write my memories as creative fiction) and you all want to hear about what I've been doing. So I'm going to try to attempt to update this the best I can. Feel free to ask questions and/or write comments :)

Last week (Thursday, I think), Aubrey and I went to the National Theater. They actually still have shows (mostly opera, I think) in there. There's also a giftshop and a coffee shop (where we spent our time). Before I leave, though, I really hope to attend something here, or at least get a full tour of the place!

Here I am with my first Costa Rican coffee. I actually liked it. But probably only because it had milk and coconut and I don't remember what else in it....
We sat next to the window, and it was nice to be able to people watch in secret (I feel as though my major requires this...). I also enjoyed looking around inside. It has an amazing atmosphere. An antique, classy, elegant feeling. The only thing I can think of at home that would be comparable is Shea's Theater in Buffalo.

This is the ceiling. How extraordinary. I think if you were trying to write a book, you should come here to work. It'd be impossible not to be inspired when surrounded by the beauty and history contained in this building. Who needs an art gallery when you can come here and eat dessert instead? (which, of course, I did!) Starbucks schmarbucks. I'll take El Teatro Nacional, por favor :)

This painting sat right behind Aubrey's head. It's entitled Maternidad/ Maternity. It's a bit odd, but I kinda liked it. It's definitely an interesting vision.

They've kept everything really nice inside. There are marble/stone floors, tables, pillars, and statues. I just love it here!

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