Friday, July 30, 2010

Museo de Oro

These pics coincide w/ the post regarding Thurs 7/22

The Gold Museum has things other than just gold... In fact, it has everything regarding the Precolombian History up to present history, regarding the native people and way of life. So they have artifacts that coincide with all aspects of life - for instance, these lovely ceramics that Katie Vannah White Zapel is showing off.

This little woman represents power. So I appreciated that. Though I'm not sure I'd want someone to make a replica of me in this form...

We were so excited to find something in the museum that we could TOUCH! This is an example of their goldwork, though I'm assuming it's a replica.

I'm a big fan of dioramas - can't you tell? This scene made me think of Night at the Musuem. Anyone read the book? Do you recommend it?? Or should I just stick w/ the movie?

Gold work. They would've worn things like these as status symbols, for protection, and in special ceremonies/rituals. I'm just impressed by how detailed they are considering the "crude" tools they used. Remind me again why we [our society] think we know so much?

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